Invisalign® for Teens

Teens have options! We offer Invisalign®. Teen for young adults who want to straighten their teeth and improve their bite while looking their best.

Invisalign technology is the invisible force that works gently, but persistently, to align teeth for a healthy and radiant smile.

How do I know if my teen is a candidate for Invisalign?

Invisalign for teens is a perfect fit for any lifestyle.

If you aren’t sure whether Invisalign is right for your teen, we encourage you to request a complimentary consultation with us. Dr. Loeb will examine your teen’s smile, take x-rays and diagnostic photos, and discuss you and your teen’s goals and concerns.


We can treat a range of common orthodontic problems with Invisalign, including:

  • Crowding
  • Crooked teeth
  • Gapped teeth
  • Bite misalignments (overbites, underbites, open bites, cross bites)

If your teen isn’t happy with his or her smile, we can create a customized treatment plan that helps them love their smile. Every teen deserves to feel confident.

Why Invisalign for teens?

Invisalign is the clear path to a beautiful new smile. With Invisalign, teens can live their lives, enjoy all of their favorite hobbies, and smile confidently while their invisible treatment does the work.


Invisalign clear aligners are virtually invisible and undetectable when they’re in place. This modern form of invisible braces is made of BPA-free, latex-free, high-quality, custom-made plastic.

Whatever your teen’s day holds – school, work, professional events, hanging with friends – they can smile confidently throughout the day while their clear aligners perfect their smile in secret.


Invisalign aligners are specially designed for comfort. They’re made of SmartTrack® material, a plastic engineered exclusively for Invisalign. This material makes it easy to take the aligners out and place them back in as you need throughout the day.

Your teen’s aligners will be custom-made to fit his or her smile perfectly, so they shouldn’t cause irritation around the cheeks or gums.


One of the major benefits of Invisalign—all of your favorite foods are still on the table. Your teen’s clear aligners are removable, so he or she can take them out to eat food, drink beverages, brush their teeth, and floss their teeth. Invisalign won’t require your teen to adjust their eating habits or their oral hygiene routine.

How long does Invisalign take?

The average case with Invisalign will take anywhere from 12 to 18 months to complete. To experience the most effective and efficient treatment period, you must wear your aligners as instructed (for at least 20 to 22 hours a day.) If you don’t wear your Invisalign aligners as frequently as your orthodontist instructs, your treatment period will be longer.

Start smiling!

For over 50 years, we’ve provided personalized orthodontic care for families in Oakland, NJ. We’re known for going above and beyond to meet our patients’ needs, and we truly value the relationships we build along the way.

A lifetime of smiles starts here.  Request your complimentary consultation today.